Main | Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Matt Barber Flashback

"Like any bully, the SPLC only goes after those it believes it can push around. But really, it confers a badge of honor upon every legitimate Christian and conservative organization it so disingenuously mislabels 'hate group.' I'd like to officially request that the SPLC add my name to its spurious 'anti-gay hate list.' It's good for one's conservative and biblical bona fides." - Liberty Counsel radio host Matt Barber, March 2010.

NOTE: Considered his screeching over the last seven days, Barber has surely changed his mind about it being a badge of honor. Amirite? And while Liberty Counsel has yet to be added to the SPLC's list, despite Barber's demand for the honor, it may soon be added to federal government's list of convicted kidnappers. Which as we already know, Barber will consider an honor as well.

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