The Hypocrisy Of Michelle Malkin, CTD

And as is their habit, the editors of Michelle Malkin's Twitter round-up site, Twitchy, immediately reposted numerous tweets from those cowardly faceless nameless nobodies. Because that's how all Democrats really feel, people! Twitchy commenters agree! Libtards have been busted!
But that inconvenient story about the two credentialed RNC attendees who threw peanuts at a black female CNN camera operator with taunts of "this is how we feed the animals" - that gets zero mention on Twitchy. Two real actual people with real actual names whose repulsive and detestable actions were witnessed in person by multiple real actual people with real actual names and whose ejection was filmed by real actual cameras? Nope, Twitchy is silent. Of course.
Also (mostly) silent is the GOP.
The CNN report also says that police and RNC security immediately removed the two attendees. But the City of Tampa’s Joint Information Center, which has been in contact with the Secret Service, told TPM on Wednesday there is no record the Tampa Police Department was involved “in any way shape or form.” Convention officials are staying tight-lipped about the incident. In a statement, convention spokesman Kyle Downey said the attendees “exhibited deplorable behavior.” “Their conduct was inexcusable and unacceptable. This kind of behavior will not be tolerated,” he added. But convention officials have offered no additional details about the incident or what steps they are taking to address it, including whether the alleged culprits have had their convention credentials revoked.Talking Points Memo founder Josh Marshall ponders the hypocrisy and slams CNN for soft-pedaling the story.
There’s a normal and correct tendency for a news outfit not to want to make itself into the story. But this goes way beyond that and puts CNN in an exquisitely awkward position. CNN has been bending over backwards of late trying to position itself as the last holy beacon of objectivity and fairness in cable news, as Fox and MSNBC play to more clearly partisan audiences. Yet they’re under almost constant assault from conservatives for alleged (and basically mythical) liberal bias.
Meanwhile, the Republican National Convention is the GOP’s quadrennial ‘we love us a lotta non-white people’ fest. And given what I said above the last possible thing CNN wants is to rain on that parade or become the focus of a huge messaging nightmare if attendees were harassing an African-American member of their team. Certainly, the Convention organizers want to avoid discussion as much as possible too. As a side note, one can only imagine how Fox News would be going to town over this had something somehow analogous happened to one of their staffers at a Democratic convention.
Labels: GOP, hypocrisy, internet, Michelle Malkin, racism, RNC