Main | Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Chicago Alderman Demands Response From Chick-Fil-A CEO Dan Cathy

"I am asking him [Dan Cathy] to PUBLICLY confirm and support what Chick-fil-A executives voluntarily told and confirmed to me earlier this month— that Chick-fil-A, and its not for profit arm WinShape, in 2012 has not and will not donate to entities with political agendas, including organizations that politically work against the rights of gay and lesbian people. Mr Cathy continues to not confirm to the press what his company executives have told and showed me. This is disturbing.  [snip]

"I am simply asking Mr. Cathy to confirm statements and documents that HIS company executives provided to me. It is pretty simple, Mr. Cathy. Do you acknowledge and support the policies that your executives outlined to me in writing or do you not? Yes or no? If not, Chick Fil A is a business that practices irresponsible, and potentially illegal, business standards." - Chicago Alderman Joe Moreno, in a blog post noting that he may still attempt to thwart a new Chick-Fil-A location in his district.

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