"As much as I will miss the illustrious and fabulous life of an 'A-list reality star,' being public, being subject to the small but progressive, loud and proud, 'gay hate and take down other gays' judgment machine, and being the target of gossip from the flawless corps of amazingly accomplished, secure, sassy, role model bloggers — and don't forget the very brave commenters on those blog stories; all winners — of the gay media hate-o-sphere... the dignity department of my soul tells me that it's time for a new direction. I will, of course, also miss having the few worst moments of my life put on screen each week, with all 900 recorded hours of my best, positive, happy, benevolent, successful, charitable, fun, and loving moments vanishing, hidden as if they didn't exist, and swiftly deleted from any sort of public view whatsoever." -
A-List: New York reality star
Reichen Lehmkuhl, speaking to
Labels: HomoQuotable, Logo, reality shows