Main | Monday, October 01, 2012

Disqus Commenting Is (Sort Of) Here

As you'll note, the JS-Kit commenting system has gone out of business right on schedule. Please bear with me today as we continue to try to import your comment histories into Disqus. That file, as you'd might expect, is over three million comments in size and the JK-Kit guy told me it was their "Guinness World Record."  Cross your fingers. In the meantime, feel free to create a Disqus account if you don't have one while I screw around with the settings. You'll likely see a "zero" in the comments counter for a bit.  What a headache. (I'll keep this post at the top of the blog for awhile.)

UPDATE: For those who haven't noticed, you can self-select the order of comments by clicking on the "discussion" button at the top of the box. Most of you will likely prefer to see the oldest comments at the top of the list, which is how things were ordered with JS-Kit.

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