Main | Monday, October 01, 2012

"Ex-Gay" Crackpot Vs CNN Host

"Ex-gay" activist, NARTH con man, and wackadoodle therapist David Pickup (real name!) sparred with CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin today over California's new ban on "reparative therapy" for minors. Things got rather heated towards the end.

(Tipped by JMG reader Gigi)

RELATED: In 2008 I posted a clip that promoted David Pickup's scam program which calls on his patients to "Go deep into your manhood." I wrote:
A couple of the best quotes from the clip: "The WorkOUT is a unique program that helps a man who's dealing with homosexual issues go deep." And: "I love helping other men be men." Oh, me too, sister! The cost of joining the WorkOUT program is $250 a month. That includes a one-hour life coaching session per week (which is conducted "face-to-face" (ahem) or on the phone), plus one hour of "911" phone counselings, for those "Help! I'm buying poppers!" moments.
Back then I actually wondered if the "suspiciously named" Pickup wasn't pulling a Poe on the "ex-gay" movement.

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