Main | Tuesday, October 16, 2012

MASSACHUSETTS: Hate Group Denounces Homocon House Candidate Richard Tisei

From the SPLC-certified hate group MassResistance:
Ladies and gentlemen, this is your 2012 National Republican party. Diversity is much more important than conservative principles. Maybe they think that if unprincipled Republicans get elected, the liberals and the media (and their mushy RINO donors) will like them all better. The bottom line is that it's down to the same old thing: money and power. They can pretend to be conservative for the hoi polloi, but they're much too "refined" to actually hold to those principles. The YG Action Fund spokesman made that pretty clear to us. And this will only be exacerbated among the Republicans under a Romney administration, we fear. Unfortunately, in the long run everybody on the right suffers from this kind of strategy. It's very shortsighted. Without principles and real fortitude, nothing else in politics works for very long. That's pretty much what happened back in 2006, isn't it? As a Congressman, Tisei will do exactly what he did in the Massachusetts Legislature: be an aggressive fifth columnist for the radical homosexual and abortion movement, terrible on taxes, and work tirelessly to move the party to the left. None of that seems to matter to the establishment Republicans.

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