Main | Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Scott Lively: God Totally Exploded A Strip Club Because I Prayed For It To Happen

"For about two years I have been including imprecatory prayers in our church services and Bible studies at Holy Grounds Coffee House.  Imprecatory prayers are Old Testament prayers for the defeat and destruction of the enemies of God and his people.  A New Testament variation on these prayers is to ask God to save the people but destroy the institutions. Our prayers, part of our seven year campaign to re-Christianize the City of Springfield, have included an appeal to God to destroy the works of Satan in this city.  We have specifically included the strip clubs in these prayers. Yesterday the three story Scores strip club on Worthington Street was completely obliterated in a gas explosion, right down to the ground.  I believe this was the hand of God at work in answer to our prayers.  We are giving Him all the glory and praise for this occurrence, since it is only by His power that any of our prayers can have any effect." - Hate group leader Scott Lively, who closes by asking his followers to pray that God smites more strip clubs. 

FACT CHECK 1: Yesterday the Massachusetts state fire marshal revealed that the explosion was caused by a utility worker who accidentally punctured a gas line. Jeebus must be moonlighting.

FACT CHECK 2: Over twenty people were injured as a result the explosion that Lively prayed for and is thanking God for, many of them firefighters who responded to the scene.
RELATED: Lively's post is headlined "The Power of Imprecatory Prayer."  For those unaware, imprecatory prayers call on God to murder one's enemies. Some of God's Gentle People routinely invoke Psalm 109 (the source of most of these prayers) to ask God to kill President Obama.

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