Main | Monday, December 10, 2012

On Hillary 2016

Last week the Washington Post reported:
Overall, 57 percent of all Americans say they would back a Clinton candidacy, with support peaking among younger women. Among all women, 66 percent say they would support Clinton as a candidate for president in 2016; it is 75 percent among those under 50 and 54 percent among those aged 50 and up. Forty-nine percent of men back a Clinton bid, regardless of what side of 50 they are on. Clinton gets far higher support among independent women than men (68 vs. 52 percent), and among GOP women than men ((35 vs. 13 percent). But support for a Clinton candidacy is high among both Democratic men and women (80 and 84 percent, respectively).
Yesterday Democratic strategist James Carville suggested that should Clinton decide to run, other top Democrats would back off.
"We don’t need a primary. Let’s just go to post with this thing. We don’t want to fight with anybody over anything. The Republicans, they need a fight. Somebody’s got to beat somebody. We don’t want a primary. We like winning presidential elections. She’s popular. Let’s just go with it. I don’t know what she’s going to do, but I do know this: The Democrats want her to run. And I don’t just mean a lot of Democrats, I mean a whole lot of Democrats, like 90 percent across the country. We just don’t — we just want to win, we think she is the best person and shut it down. And that’s across the board.'

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