Quote Of The Day - Bill Keller
"As best I can tell, President Obama’s position on same-sex marriage is that it should not be imposed on unwilling states. He has carefully measured out just enough courage to accept same-sex marriage, and by opposing the monstrous Defense of Marriage Act he has said states that enact marriage equality should be respected under federal law. But our president would still leave the legalization of marriage to the states rather than pursue it as a fundamental right. Eusebius McKaiser is as black as Obama, so I will stand aside and leave the obvious fraught analogy to him: 'What are the chances,' McKaiser wondered, 'of Obama saying, ‘Black people should be allowed to vote, ideally, but I’d let the states decide when they are ready.’' Just let us know, Mississippi and Alabama, when you think the time is right." - Bill Keller, writing for the New York Times.
Labels: Barack Obama, Bill Keller, marriage equality