Main | Wednesday, February 27, 2013

LAUNCHED: Pet Food Stamps

A New York-based non-profit has launched a program they are calling Pet Food Stamps, which will ship pet food to impoverished families who might otherwise be forced to surrender furry family members to animal shelters, or worse, release them to fend for themselves on the streets. In order to qualify for the program, pet owners must document that they are on public assistance.  From the group's website:
There are over 50 million Americans who currently receive Food Stamps, many with dogs or cats, who simply cannot afford to feed their animals, and these cherished companions are dropped off at animal shelters where they will most likely be put to sleep. As more families struggle with difficult choices like paying the rent or buying food, some have to choose between keeping their pet and putting food on the table. The Pet Food Stamps program, due to the generosity of contributors and patrons, are able to eliminate that heart-wrenching decision by making sure these pet owners are given free monthly home delivery of all necessary food supplies to maintain the health and vitality of their pets.
Initial reaction to the program has been so strong that the group's website crashed yesterday as thousands of animal lovers attempted to make donations. Totally unsurprisingly, the program has been denounced in some corners of Teabagistan as furthering "the entitlement mindset of the takers." Over at the wingnut Townhall, they're even wondering when Pet Food Stamps will become an official federal program. Eye roll.

Pet Food Stamps donation link.

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