Main | Thursday, March 21, 2013

You Are Assaulting Jesus Christ

From the Family Research Council's prayer team, which is asking God to make Ted Olson and David Boies present their Supreme Court arguments "in an inept, confusing, and unconvincing way."
For Bible-believing Christians this assault on marriage is not just against society. It is an assault against Jesus Christ, Himself. Whatever the court decides, "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever" (Heb 13:8). God created marriage to bless mankind, but also to be a visual representation on earth of the eternal relationship between Christ and His Church (Eph 5:31-32). Christians have an obligation to stand for marriage, not only because it is good for society, but for the honor of Him who created it.

May God guide us in praying for each member of the Supreme Court: for Samuel Alito, Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kagan, Anthony Kennedy, Chief JusticeJohn Roberts, Antonin Scalia, Sonia Sotomayor, and Clarence Thomas. May each Justice be governed by the fear of God and fidelity to the moral law and Constitution (2 Sam 23:3; Ps 9:17; 111:10; Pr 1:7; 9:10; Is 5:20).

May the attorneys defending traditional marriage be given anointing, clarity, effectiveness, conviction and persuasiveness in presenting their arguments. May traditional marriage prevail in the minds of a strong majority of the justices, and may traditional marriage be reaffirmed as the law of the land (Pr 16:1, 11; 25; 18:17; 21:3; Is 9:7; Mt 19:4-6; 2 Cor 5:11).

May those arguing on behalf of same-sex "marriage" present their arguments in an inept, confusing and unconvincing way. May they fail to gain traction in the minds of the Justices. May the right of Californians to amend their state constitution to protect marriage be confirmed by the Court, and may the Defense of Marriage Act be ruled constitutional (Lev 20:all; 1 Sam 2:8-10; 2 Chr 14:11; 20:12-27; Pr 22:28; 24:21; Is 8:18-20; Dan 7:25-27; 2 Cor 2:5).
(Via Good As You)

I am praying that God doesn't explode the earth at 11am.

UPDATE: You're welcome.

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