Main | Thursday, April 11, 2013

Ann Coulter: Kill Meghan McCain

Ann Coulter may have finally gone too far.
In a column published on Thursday, conservative pundit Ann Coulter joked that the killing of politicians’ children should “start with Meghan McCain.” Earlier this week, Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MA) told MSNBC host Martin Bashir that he was sensitive to the need for more gun control because his nephew had been shot and killed several years ago.

Bashir suggested that members of Congress should not have to experience the death of a family member to understand that gun violence was a problem. “But Congressman, is that what needs to happen to move these senators to stop threatening a filibuster?” Bashir asked. “Is that really what needs to happen? That you need to have a member of your family killed in order for you to do what the American people want you to do?”

Conservative websites interpreted Bashir’s statement to mean that he was advocating the murder of politicians’ family members. And on Thursday, Coulter decided it would be funny to suggest the daughter of Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) should be the first to die.
It will be interesting to see which news channel will next be willing to book Coulter.

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