Hate Group Launches Anti-Gay Boy Scouts TV Campaign In Dallas & Cincinnati
Via press release:
As delegates for the Boy Scouts of America convene this week in Texas to weigh a BSA board initiative for gay scouts, conservatives began airing two TV spots dealing with the Scouts, homosexuality and House Speaker John Boehner. "It's all the same phenomenon. Seemingly responsible adults and so-called leaders from Texas to Ohio to Washington keep caving to President Obama's bullying," said NoMoreWimpouts.com spokesman Craig Bergman, who announced the TV spots, now running in Dallas and Cincinnati and yet, he claimed, banned by Comcast censors in DC.The guy doing the voiceover sounds like World Net Daily nutjob Molotov Mitchell.
Dr. Paul Cameron, author of a report citing Danish gay marriage death statistics published by Oxford, was the first scientist to document the hazards of second hand smoke. Another TV spot to air next week starts with the cigarette-style notice, "WARNING: Gay Marriage may be Hazardous to your Son's Health, Senator Portman." The ad, depicting a crying Boehner with Boy Scouts, urges Boehner to, "Go straight! ...Man-up now to America's Bullying Gay Activist-in-Chief!"
Labels: advertising, Boy Scouts, hate groups, John Boehner, Paul Cameron, religion