Main | Thursday, June 13, 2013

Faith Healer Of The Day: Todd Bentley

"They brought a woman that had been to all the witch doctors and all the magic soothsayers and whatever she could do to get healed because she had breast cancer. As she was standing in the crowd, the power of God came all over her and she grew a brand new breast. Right after that, they brought two more people onto the platform. The woman was born without the parts that a woman needs, and the man as well because of a cancerous tumor. Both of them were instantly healed. I started to break the power of witchcraft, and 1,835 people at the same time started manifesting demons and fell to the ground writhing like snakes. We counted 1,835 people vomiting, rolling in the mud, writhing and hissing on the ground like snakes. There were even people levitating off of the ground by the power of witchcraft, even a young boy." - Rev. Todd Bentley,  asking for "a one-time gift of $1,000 or any amount the Lord puts on your heart" so he can return to Uganda and grow more miracle boobs. Italics are mine. (Source)

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