Main | Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Rep. Peter King Calls For Prosecuting Journalist Glenn Greenwald Over NSA Leak

Rep. Peter King (R-NY) today called for the prosecution of openly gay journalist Glenn Greenwald for publishing the story about NSA leaker Edward Snowden. King appeared this afternoon on Fox News to make his threat.
“Not only did [Greenwald] disclose this information, he said he has names of CIA agents and assets around the world and threatening to disclose that,” King said when asked by host Megyn Kelly why he wants to prosecute the reporter. “I think [prosecuting reporters] should be very targeted and very selective and a rare exception. In this case, when you have someone who discloses secrets like this and threatens to release more, yes, there has to be legal action taken against him.” He then asserted: “This is a very unusual case with life-and-death implications for Americans.”
Video via Think Progress. Greenwald fires back via Twitter below.

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