Main | Friday, November 29, 2013

Obama Had DC Police Murder Woman Because She Carried His Love Child

Raw Story has the details:
A birther preacher is pushing the conspiracy theory that Miriam Carey, who was shot to death Oct. 3 after police said she tried to ram her car into a barrier outside the White House, was the mother of President Barack Obama’s illegitimate child. Rev. James David Manning, pastor of Atlah World Missionary Church who believes the president was born in Kenya, claims that Carey’s family has called for a paternity test to determine whether the woman’s 15-month-old daughter was fathered by the president. While Carey’s family has indeed asked U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to look into the fatal shooting, the only source for the claim about the family’s request for a paternity test seems to be additional videos posted online by Manning.
Manning has previously claimed that President Obama had Andrew Breitbart murdered and that Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich are secretly black.  Manning also says that preachers should feel free to use the word "faggot" because it gets people's attention.

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