Main | Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Porno Pete Has The Abraham Lincoln Sadz

"It’s bad enough that homosexual extremists for years have been promoting the preposterous lie that Lincoln was ‘gay.’ Now we see his noble legacy on behalf of Black Americans appropriated by the Left to justify homosexual ‘marriage’ – which has nothing to do with civil rights and everything to do with normalizing a changeable sexual sin. Abe Lincoln had a great respect for the Bible as the Word of God, and he encouraged others to read it to better their lives. It is inconceivable that Lincoln would set himself against clear Scriptural truth – such as Romans 1, which condemns homosexual practice – or align himself with the bizarre notion that two people of the same sex can get ‘married.’ Homosexual practice today is as immoral as it was in days of Lincoln; as it was in the days of Washington and Jefferson before him; as it was in the days of Jesus Christ; and as sinful as it was in the days of Moses." - Porno Pete LaBarbera, who is deliciously deranged because Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn will today sign the marriage equality bill on the desk used by Abraham Lincoln. LaBarbera adds that he'll be waving his silly little hate banner outside the ceremony in Chicago this afternoon. Somebody please send us a photo!

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