Main | Friday, December 27, 2013

NALT Responds To Duck Dynasty Flap

The pro-gay NALT Project (Not All Like That) has responded to the Duck Dynasty furor. An excerpt:
As is usual in these debates, the real loser is Christianity itself. Millions of Christians around the world affirm the dignity and equality of LGBT people, and their voices go unheard when public figures like Phil Robertson and his supporters in the right-wing media claim that their discriminatory beliefs represent Christianity. As The NALT Christians Project and a growing grassroots movement of loving, supportive Christians shows, this is not the case. Robertson was suspended because he made hateful comments about minorities, not because he’s a Christian. He and others who couch racist and anti-gay bias in religious language do not own Christianity, nor do they even speak for a majority of Christians.
(Tipped by JMG reader David)

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