Main | Friday, January 24, 2014

Email Of The Day- Eugene Delgaudio

"Dear Joe, 'Accept the Homosexual Agenda, or get out of New York.' This is the message Governor Andrew Cuomo is sending to the ENTIRE STATE. That’s right. If you hold to traditional values or believe in real marriage, you are no longer welcome in your own state. How dare he?! I can’t imagine the unmitigated gall Gov. Cuomo must have to make such a statement. It’s simply outrageous. Homosexuals make up less than 2% of the population, but the Homosexual Lobby is determined to take control of the entire country. That’s why I’m asking all of Public Advocate's NY supporters to contact conservative Senate Majority Co-Leader Dean Skelos. The New York State Senate should formally censor Andrew Cuomo for his statements. Please contact Senator Skelos at (518) 455-3171 and ask him to take action immediately. Together, we need to show the nation that out-of-control politicians cannot push us around. P.S. Will you chip in $5 or $10 or $35 to help Public Advocate fight for family values?" - Hate group crackpot Eugene Delgaudio, writing from a darkened warehouse on a suspiciously well-trafficked pier.

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