Main | Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tony Perkins Has The DOJ Sadz

"The DOJ, which may as well be a satellite office of the HRC, has been all too happy to run point for homosexual activists, throwing bouquet after taxpayer-funded bouquet to unions that 33 states don't recognize. In this latest adventure in lawlessness, Holder shreds marriage laws on everything from bankruptcy policy, alimony, prison visits, access to the September 11th Victims Compensation Fund, survivorship benefits, and other perks reserved for legal spouses. There's been a lot of talk from the Obama administration about what homosexuals are 'entitled' to -- but not what voters are entitled to... like having their voices and ballots count. And that's exactly what Americans are afraid of. Every American with an appreciation for the rule of law, for self-governance, and freedom must remember this act of arrogance in November when voters can send a message by firing the leaders who have aided and abetted this President." - KKK-affiliated hate group leader Tony Perkins, who closes by shilling once again for the doomed State Marriage Defense Act.

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