Main | Sunday, March 23, 2014

Fox Anchor Greg Gutfeld's New Book: The Left Uses Hipsters To Control Culture

Rupert Murdoch's New York Post does its duty with a panting review which begins:
Why are good things seen as bad, and why are bad things seen as good? Greg Gutfeld poses the question and supplies an answer in “Not Cool: The Hipster Elite and Their War On You” (Crown Forum). Gutfeld paints a picture of a coolocracy in which the world is run by star-bellied Sneetches who tell us what’s hip and we obediently keep running in and out of the belly-star-making gizmo. Icons of cool like Robert Redford, Mark Zuckerberg, Jesse James and Yoko Ono get shredded in the book, which is as breezy, enlightening and funny as Gutfeld’s two TV shows, “The Five” and “Red Eye.”
The Post illustrated their review with a photo of a recent Coachella audience.

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