Main | Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Bryan Fischer Has The Conchita Sadz

Arkansas, Michael Sam, Eurovision. The Associated Press reports on our big weekend.
It was an eventful weekend: A gay football player kissed his boyfriend on national TV after being drafted by the NFL; gay marriage arrived in the Bible Belt; a bearded transvestite won one of the biggest TV song competitions in the world. All indications of a civilization on the move — but where is it going? On a march toward equality, or a descent into a moral Wild West? To Bryan Fischer, director of issue analysis for the American Family Association, it's all of a piece. "Every advance in the homosexual agenda represents a setback for our culture and for sexual normalcy," he said. "So there's nothing to celebrate in any of these situations." He said the drag queen's victory demonstrates the "tragic level of sexual confusion that we have in our culture. To me, the fact that it's something that would be celebrated, is a tragic indication of how far we have drifted from our moorings."

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