TLC Blurs Duggars' Roe V Wade Shirts
The maker of an anti-abortion shirt is angry with TLC for blurring his message during this week's episode of 19 Kids And Counting.
Knowing how dedicated to the pro-life cause the Duggars are, I expected to see the shirts many times on their show. It really amazes me that TLC would censor this; it’s not like people don’t know the Duggar’s beliefs. Knowing that the shirt appeared in the previous episode without being blurred, I am wondering if they received complaints or negative feedback after it aired. I say we show TLC that there is so much more support for the Duggars wearing these shirts than there are complaints. I hope everyone reading this will tweet and e-mail TLC and let them know how disappointed you are that they would blur out this pro-life message.The shirt reads: "I survived Roe V Wade, Roe V Wade will not survive me."
Labels: abortion, Duggar Family, religion, TLC