Main | Sunday, December 14, 2014

FRANCE: Neo-Nazi National Front Leader To Sue Magazine For Outing Him

Via Radio France:
The deputy leader of France’s Front National is to take Closer magazine to court for printing photos it implies prove he is gay. Florian Philippot is to lodge a complaint against Closer for invasion of privacy, the party leader, Marine Le Pen, announced on Friday. The case comes amid dissent in the far-right party's ranks over recruiting openly gay members. Philippot does not want to give “this rag” any publicity, Le Pen told a press conference, but he will take Closer to court. Claiming that she and her children had also been victims of invasions of privacy, the far-right leader said she hoped that Philippot’s case would lead to a sentence severe enough to prevent the paper from continuing such practises. Le Pen is a trained lawyer and she and her party have a penchant for taking critics, including US-born singer Madonna, to court.
For a recap of the National Front's history of anti-gay actions, go here.

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