Main | Monday, January 05, 2015

Key West Bartenders Get Ready

Miami may have stolen a tiny bit of their thunder (not that anybody, least of all these guys would complain) but we'll all be watching the live stream from Key West at midnight tonight when Monroe County's winning plaintiffs make it legal after eleven years of serving drinks in sin. Via press release:
Two Key West men, whose lawsuit helped pave the way for same-sex marriage equality in Florida, had their tuxedos fitted Monday afternoon in preparation for their wedding very early Tuesday. Aaron Huntsman and William Lee Jones, who completed their marriage license application paperwork at Key West's Monroe County Courthouse Friday, plan to exchange vows just after receiving their license at 12:01 a.m. Tuesday in the Keys' first same-sex wedding. "I'm a big ball of nerves right now -- my stomach is in knots -- but I'm so happy that I finally get to marry him," said Jones as he stood beside Huntsman.

In July 2014, in response to the couple's lawsuit protesting Florida's 2008 ban on same-sex marriage, Florida Keys Judge Luis Garcia ruled that the ban was discriminatory and unconstitutional. But the state appealed, putting wedding plans on hold for Huntsman and Jones until New Year's Day, when U.S. Judge Robert Hinkle ruled that Florida's county court clerks can issue licenses to same-sex couples beginning at 12:01 a.m. Tuesday.

At Timmy Tuxedo's, Huntsman and Jones were fitted with white shirts, electric blue vests and traditional black bowties and tuxedos. For Jones, the wedding will mean removing an unwanted article of apparel -- a large silver-toned bracelet that completely encircles his left wrist. "A friend of ours gave it to me the day after we filed our lawsuit, and it's been shackled on here ever since," Jones said. "I call it my shackle of inequality. Tonight at midnight, I get to take it off." According to a spokesperson for the county clerk's office in Key West, the office will open at 11:30 p.m. Monday night and prepare to issue up to 100 marriage licenses to same-sex couples. While other weddings may take place in the wee hours Tuesday morning, Huntsman and Jones' ceremony is to be the first in the county and in the Florida Keys.
I'll post the live stream at 11:30PM. Bring your tissues.

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