Main | Monday, January 05, 2015

Log Cabin Takes A Swing At Jeb Bush

"It's disappointing to see that Jeb Bush has the same opinion of marriage equality as the presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Jeb had a chance to differentiate himself from her, and at the very least say that, in Florida, marriage equality is settled law and there are more pressing issues demanding attention. As it stands, Jeb tacks the same line as Hillary: that marriage is something that should be left to the states." - Log Cabin Republicans head Gregory Angelo, speaking to the Huffington Post about yesterday's statement by Jeb Bush.

As the above-linked article notes, in June 2014 Clinton said that she believes marriage should be a "matter left to the states." That quote came during a contentious interview with NPR host Terry Gross, who sparred with Clinton over her evolution on same-sex marriage. Unlike Bush, however, Clinton has endorsed marriage equality.

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