Main | Wednesday, March 04, 2015

ALABAMA: All Counties Have Stopped Issuing Same-Sex Marriage Licenses

From the Human Rights Campaign:
As of noon today, HRC Alabama was unable to confirm any Alabama counties that are issuing licenses to same-sex couples, in the wake of an order by the Alabama Supreme Court late Tuesday night. This turn around comes as the result of the confusion created by an emergency petition to the Alabama Supreme Court by two anti-LGBT groups, the Alabama Policy Institute and Alabama Citizens Action Program, who sought to stop probate judges from issuing marriage licenses. Before the latest development, 48 counties of Alabama’s 67 counties were following the order of a federal judge and issuing licenses to all couples as of February 18th. “Because of the Alabama Supreme Court's willingness to ignore their oath of office, all Alabama's counties appear to be in conflict with the intent of a federal court order,” said HRC Legal Director Sarah Warbelow. "This is only a temporary setback on the road to equality, but the message it sends to LGBT Alabamians is despicable.”

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