Main | Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Cal Thomas: The End Times Schedule Calls For SCOTUS To Approve Marriage

"I think it’s going to go 5-4 or even 6-3 in favor of same-sex marriage. All of these things are not the cause of our decadence, they’re a reflection of it, If you read the Scriptures, as I do, in both testaments all of these things are forecast in prophesies, in the book of Daniel and what Jesus and Paul said, so I'm not worried about it. I say everything is right on schedule. I’m trying to shore up my own family first and, hopefully, that will be an example to other people. If you look at not only what Jesus said, but Paul the Apostle, about what things would be like in the end times, people will be lovers of lies rather than the truth. They will elevate things that are called abomination in scripture to normality. All of the prophesies up to the final ones have come true. And that’s why I say that everything is right on schedule." - Wingnut commentator and USA Today columnist Cal Thomas, speaking to Michelangelo Signorile at CPAC.

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