Main | Monday, March 02, 2015

Liberty Counsel: God Will Destroy America Over Obama's Treatment Of Israel

"I believe God is sending a warning to America to stop siding with Israel’s enemies. President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry are actively campaigning against the interests of the nation of Israel – our greatest ally and the only democracy in the Middle East. Prime Minister Netanyahu has become a political target to the Obama administration for speaking the truth! Barack Obama obviously does not understand the potential fallout from his administration’s dangerous actions. The Bible says that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – Israel’s omnipotent defender – takes very seriously all attempts to harm His people, the Jews. In the book of Joel, we read that God will ultimately judge the nations that try to divide the land of Israel – something the Obama White House has consistently proposed. And Zechariah 12:9 plainly says, 'I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.' Liberty Counsel holds that America has been blessed by God because our national policy has been favorable toward the nation of Israel since its founding in 1948. If we allow the Obama administration to subvert this policy, a price will be paid!" - Liberty Counsel head Mat Staver, in a posting to a website which has twice published columns from advocates of executing homosexuals.

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