Main | Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Brian Brown: A Fresh Breeze Is Blowing

From today's money beg:
We have an incredible amount of work to do in the next two months... preparing for the pending decision by the Supreme Court; launching a nationwide effort to pass legislation to protect people from having to participate in same-sex 'weddings' in states that have redefined marriage (or in the event that the Supreme Court redefines marriage in every state); preparing a new grassroots educational effort we have been developing to help teach people the importance of marriage to society and especially children; pushing a federal constitutional amendment to preserve marriage; working with allies in support of religious liberty legislation; and preparing to make support for marriage a key factor in next year's presidential race.

As I have always said, no politician or judge — not even the US Supreme Court — has the power to redefine marriage. Marriage was created by God at the dawn of Creation to bring the two halves of humanity together for their benefit and to provide the ideal environment for any children born of their union. Marriage is a universal truth and if the marriage movement experiences a Roe type of ruling, then just like the pro-life movement we will pursue the long path to reversing such a ruling. Win or lose before the Supreme Court, we will always fight for marriage. But clearly and unmistakably, we have a chance to win before the Supreme Court and the next two months could make all the difference.
Since everything is pretty much finished except for the waiting, this money beg will obviously help fund NOM's attempt to thwart LGBT rights overseas.

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