Main | Monday, June 15, 2015

GOP Clown Car Loads Up For 2015 Faith And Freedom Conference Of Crackpottery

Disgraced Christian activist Ralph Reed's Faith & Freedom Coalition will hold its sixth annual "Road To Majority" conference this week in Washington DC. Confirmed speakers include eight of the eleven declared GOP presidential candidates, as well as notorious crackpot figures Todd Starnes, the Benham brothers, and Michael Medved. Not yet listed as attending are Huckabee, Santorum, and Pataki, however still undeclared candidates Jindal, Walker, and Christie will be there.

Also attending: Reince Priebus, Phyllis Schlafly, Gary Bauer, and Penny Nance, who is the head of Concernstipated Women, this year's title sponsor. Other 2015 sponsors include NOM, the World Congress Of Families, Tea Party Patriots, Townhall, Liberty University, and (rather curiously) the Humane Society. The event kicks off with a VIP dinner on Wednesday night, followed by a "full lobbying day on Capitol Hill." See the list of breakout sessions here.

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