Main | Monday, July 06, 2015

Rush Limbaugh: Hillary Clinton Faked The Gay Humans Of New York Viral Photo

"Where the Clintons are concerned, there are no coincidences with the Clintons. There just aren't any. And I feel very confident and safe speculating that this whole thing is as phony as it gets. We're supposed to believe a photographer walking the streets of New York City sees this kid crying on his stoop then takes his picture? And then the kid says this to the photographer 'I'm crying about my future because I'm gay and I'm really worried about my future and I don't think I'm going to be loved and it's going to be really hard out there.' The kids looks like he's 8 or 9. You know who the kid looks like? The kid looks like the kid that was in the gay pride parade last week- picture showed his mom proudly had him out there dressed up in some kind of rainbow colored drag queen get-up with a Roman crown of whatever on his head. This kid looks exactly like that kid. I'm not saying its the same kid. I'm just saying that's what this 8-year-old looks like. Anyway, its just a little too convenient." - Rush Limbaugh, speaking today on his radio show.

RELATED: The Humans Of New York story is here.

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