Main | Tuesday, September 30, 2008

You Will Obey

Lots of you sent in photos of the Leather Obama image seen all around Folsom Street Fair on Sunday, with some calling it disrespectful and others just finding it amusing. Go here for a totally NSFW gallery of Folsom goings-on.

And of course, mansex-obsessed Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality has begun his annual posting of the nekkid menz that so fascinate him.
Entry signs to the fair said “Nudity is illegal” but thousands of people took advantage of the fact that nudity and decency laws were not enforced by police. Below, two fully naked men pose for the camera. In the background is a booth for PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays), a homosexual activist group.
How outrageous of those dirty leather folk to have supportive families! Also, I have been to Folsom many times and I seriously doubt there were "thousands" of naked men. Maybe there were a few hundred out of the 400,000 attendees. (And yes, the standard nude beach rules apply at Folsom: the less buff your body - the more likely you will be in the buff. Such is life.)

Again, I must express my amusement at Porno Pete's intense fascination with a one-day six hour event, when every single night of the year, in every American city, you can find uncountable hordes of hetero men cruising for car sex with hookers or swarming titty bars for champagne room blowjobs. It must be the lack of shame that he finds so shameful.

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