HomoconQuotable - Robert Oscar Lopez
"Like many women who are sexually assaulted and later become strippers or prostitutes, [former Senator] Scott Brown probably dealt with his sexual trauma by modeling nude ten years after being mauled at a camp. Perhaps he feels that because he dealt with male-male sexual abuse his way, other men should have to figure things out on their own.
"He gets to showcase his wounds in interviews and write a book about the whole experience. He expects other men who don't want to be sexually mauled by homosexuals to be stuck showering inches away from them in Army barracks with no recourse to therapy to avoid falling into homosexual behavior themselves as a consequence of the trauma. And now, if a man feels threatened by a homosexual aggressor in the military the way Scott Brown was threatened by a male aggressor when he was ten, there will soon be no chaplains to consult in faith-based terms. The chaplaincy is slowly being cleansed of anybody who doesn't rubberstamp the gay lobby's ideology.
"Welcome to Scott Brown's and Chris Christie's brave new world of strong national security: instead of banning discussion of homosexual acts in high-risk situations where naked young soldiers are vulnerable, use the police powers of the state to ban discussion of things that young people with homosexual attractions can do other than become adult homosexuals." - Homocon anti-gay activist Robert Oscar Lopez, thinking long and hard about naked soldiers for American Thinker. (Via Right Wing Watch)
RELATED: In addition to appearing on stage at an anti-gay Manif Pour Tous rally in France, Lopez has testified against LGBT equality before several state legislatures and he co-signed an anti-gay homocon brief to the Supreme Court. You really must read the Media Matters take on Lopez' trilogy of gay erotica.
Labels: assholery, Chris Christie, crackpots, ex-gay, homocons, Manif Pour Tous, NOM, religion, Robert Oscar Lopez, Scott Brown, still totally gay