Main | Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Today's Gay Etiquette Question

From Steven Petrow's Civil Behavior column in the New York Times comes this question:
Q. Dear Civil Behavior: Mike, my partner for 13 years, and I worked with a local attorney to prepare our wills and related documents. Before we could finalize all of our financial affairs, however, Mike was diagnosed with a rare brain virus that strikes some H.I.V./AIDS patients. Six weeks later, I held Mike’s hand as he took his final breath in our home. During his final difficult days, Mike’s mother, father and sisters seemed disinterested in his illness. Recently my attorney learned that Mike’s parents have instructed the funeral home not to provide the documentation that I need to file Mike’s estate. In addition, Mike’s co-workers and friends have abandoned me, turning their backs and adding to my emotional distress. Now I’m struggling with how to address the individuals who disrespected my beloved’s final wishes and added to my emotional distress during the early days of my bereavement. I’ll be grateful for any advice you can share. — John Moriarty, Kansas City, Mo.
Give us your answer then hit the link for Petrow's response.

NOTE: The above is from Petrow's August 20th column, which I missed. But the issue is certainly worthy of discussion a week later.

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