Asshattery In The Boone-docks

The 30-second call: “His opponent is so ultra-liberal he’s just been enthusiastically endorsed by C-FAIR, a prominent gay rights advocacy group. They’re convinced Beshear is their guy. Now you have to ask, ‘Do you really want Kentucky to become another San Francisco?’ Please re-elect Ernie Fletcher.”
The 60-second call. "Hello friends. This is Pat Boone - a fellow Kentuckian by descent from granddaddy Dan'l. I've always been proud of Kentucky's stance on patriotic, military and moral issues - a great heritage. Now, as an American and a Christian I'm very concerned about the upcoming governor's election. Ernie Fletcher is a typical Kentuckian. He's worked long and hard for the state, its people, and its traditions. And of course he's come under attack by political opponents. And now, he faces a man who wants his job, who has consistently supported every homosexual cause - same-sex marriage, gay adoption, special rights to gay, lesbian, bisexual even transgender individuals. The prominent gay advocacy group CFAIR just enthusiastically endorsed Beshear, knowing he's their guy. Kentuckians have already voted to amend the state constitution to prohibit same-sex marriage. Now, do you want a governor who would like Kentucky to be another San Francisco? Please re-elect Ernie Fletcher. This message paid for by the Republican Party of Kentucky."
Go here to listen to the 30 and 60-second recordings. Boone, a former darling of wingnut talk shows, temporarily lost favor with the Christianists in 1997 when he recorded the above-depicted album of heavy metal standards. Ironically, last year he released an album of R&B and disco covers titled, We Are Family.UPDATE: Boone's boy loses.
Labels: asshattery, homophobia, Kentucky, Pat Boone, wingnuts