Main | Friday, July 18, 2008

Hillary Clinton's campaign is getting ready for 2012.
A company associated with Hillary Clinton's top presidential campaign advance staff has purchased a website domain that hints of a 2012 presidential bid for the vanquished senator from New York. was bought by the Markham Group on June 8, according to

Greg Hale of the Markham Group served as a key advance aide to Sen. Clinton, organizing political events for the campaign. The Markham website calls him the "lead consultant for advance and visual messaging." Partners Paul Neaville and Robert McClarty (the son of former White House chief of staff Thomas "Mack" McClarty) also worked on Clinton's advance team. According to, the site was registered by Todd Wilder, a longtime Democratic operative from Florida. A picture of Clinton pops up when the company's website is called up.
Anyone believe it's for her 2012 Senate campaign? Anyone?

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