Main | Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wingnuts Demand End To MAL Sex Party

Well, this was inevitable. Thanks to Porno Pete LaBarbera and his endless enthusiasm for and attention to the sex lives of leathermen, wingnut sites such as Free Republic and WorldNetDaily are lighting up today over LaBarbera's ::shocking:: finding that there will be a sex party during Mid-Atlantic Leather. Which, you know, is totally our coming communist dictator's doing.

From the WorldNetDaily story headlined "Pig" Sex Orgy Set For Inauguration Week:
A homosexual "pig sex" orgy has been planned at a Washington hotel just as the traditional inaugural party season – this year honoring President-elect Barack Obama – is beginning, according to a Christian group that ministers to homosexuals. The report comes from Peter LaBarbera at Americans for Truth about Homosexuality, who obtained the information via e-mail from a source within the homosexual community. The e-mail warned that only people on the e-mail list and the "pre-approved" would be admitted.

"This Maneuvers is a PRIVATE and INVITATION-ONLY event. It will be held at the nearby Doubletree Hotel, located at 1515 Rhode Island Avenue NW. Go to the Second Floor, which is where all the Convention Rooms are," said the instructions. The e-mail came from the Fort Troff "MAL Maneuvers" organization, according to AFTAH. "We've now got a KILLER line up of DEMOS, including super skilled rope bondage, sounds play, and flogging. LIVE Music and Sound is gonna be provided by THE BLACK PARTY DJ Rich King. So you can s---, fist, rim, and [f---] TO THE BEAT."

Among a variety of features were "a bondage cross," "a flogging station" and "rimming stations." LaBarbera said the references to "fist" and "rim" refer to specific homosexual behaviors, which he explains graphically on his website. "Doors open at 10 p.m. and will close at 12 midnight. No admission after 12. Play continues until 4am. …" said the e-mail. The requirements, AFTAH said, included, "Masculine, friendly, and ready to play. Spectators who wanna run their mouths and socialize are not welcome at this event. We are here to enjoy the company of MEN." The online Urban Dictionary defines "pig sex" as "outrageously dirty such as water spots, defecation, male on male bondage, group-sex and bestiality," although there was no indication that this event would involve animals.

LaBarbera said the hotel confirmed MAL Maneuvers has booked three second-floor conference rooms for three days, which starting with Saturday night's events would culminate on inauguration day, Tuesday. The hotel offered a discount for rooms for people attending the events. "These repulsive behaviors should not occur in private, much less in conference rooms at a hotel used by the public," AFTAH's warning said.
LaBarbera has posted the phone numbers of the involved hotels and their parent companies and the sites are calling for their readers to deluge management with complaints and demand that the hotels revoke reservations.

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