Main | Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Sec. Of Army Nominee Rep. John McHugh Wants To "Change" DADT

Barack Obama's new nominee for Secretary of the Army, Rep. John McHugh (R-NY), agrees with the president that DADT needs to be "changed," whatever that means these days. The Advocate's Kerry Eleveld pressed White House press secretary Robert Gibbs about the nomination, asking if McHugh's stance on DADT played into his selection. As usual, Gibbs gave an evasive answer.
"I think it's obvious from those statements and other statements that Congressman McHugh has made that he and the president are in agreement on changing the policy they both don't think is working for this country right now," Gibbs said in response to a question from The Advocate about the congressman's past remarks. "It's a priority of the president's and I think, for any number of reasons, we have a nominee that we hope will be confirmed quickly and will have -- ah, based on his background and experience -- will help to improve the lives of the Army."

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