Main | Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Jimmy LaSalvia, Head Of New Gay GOP Group, Co-Signs With Leaders of Anti-Gay Hate Groups

The eagle-eyed Jeremy Hooper at Good As You has noticed that Jimmy LaSalvia (left), the cofounder and head of GOProud, the new uber-right Log Cabin Republicans spinoff, has signed onto a document calling for a Senate filibuster to block the approval of SCOTUS nominee Sonia Sotomayor.

And who are LaSalvia's cosignees? How about Peter LaBarbera, Donald Wildmon, Rev. Lou Sheldon, Gary Bauer, and just about every vicious, right-wing, Christianist, "pro-family", homophobic shithead whose name has ever appeared on this blog, many of whom head certified hate groups.

Jeremy Hooper: "GOProud? When your form of 'pride' is this willing to join forces with your community's most heated opponents, who needs shame?"

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