Main | Tuesday, August 25, 2009

"Ex-Gays" Win Discrimination Suit

Remember how we all snickered when Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays (PFOX) filed a lawsuit against the NEA, demanding that "ex-gay" be recognized as an sexual orientation and therefore subject to employee protections? Well, they won.
In a case with potentially far-reaching implications, the superior court of the District of Columbia has ruled that individuals who formerly identified as gay or lesbian are a protected class that must be recognized under nondiscrimination laws pertaining to sexual orientation, reports the Fox Business network. Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX) brought the lawsuit against the National Education Association for failing to provide public accommodations for people who formerly identified as gay. The D.C. office of human rights sided with the NEA that sexual orientation protections do not extend to “ex-gays,” but the court held that under the D.C. human rights act, sexual orientation does not require immutable characteristics.
PFOX is demanding that the teachers group add an "ex-gay" person to their sexual orientation committee and immediately include "former" pole smokers to their list of protected employees.

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