Main | Friday, February 19, 2010

Family Research Council Exposed As Liars

Remember how I mentioned the Family Research Council's press release that they would be hosting Proctor & Gamble at the anti-gay Values Voters Summit in September? Proctor & Gamble doesn't know what the fuck those liars are talking about.
“Procter & Gamble has a strong, long-standing corporate commitment to diversity and inclusion—it is deeply rooted in our company’s culture,” P&G spokesman Brent Miller said in a statement to The Advocate. “P&G highly values individuals from a wide range of backgrounds and cultures and is recognized for its diversity practices, including its efforts in GBLT diversity. P&G remains committed to developing family-friendly programming that appeals to the diversity of our consumers around the world. P&G is not planning to participate in the Values Voter Summit 2010 as suggested in the report.”
Proctor & Gamble has a 100 rating on the HRC's Corporate Equality Index. The Family Research Council has a 0 rating on the Non-Lying Christians Index.

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