Main | Monday, August 30, 2010

The Truth About NY Sen. Ruben Diaz

Fight Back New York writes us today to announce the launch of their new website, The Truth About Ruben Diaz, which exposes the New York Senate homophobe on many issues. The current top ten:
1. Ruben Diaz was investigated by the FBI
2. He was arrested for possession of heroin and marijuana
3. Ruben Diaz was only member of the New York Senate to vote against the ethics reform bill
4. He was the only Democrat in the New York Senate to vote to shut down the state government
5. Ruben Diaz refused to meet with his own constituents
6. He compared the use of stem cells for medical research to the Nazis using “the ashes of the Jews to make bars of soap.”
7. Ruben Diaz appropriated monies totaling $250,000 to an organization he founded, the Christian Community Benevolent Association
8. He also appropriated monies totaling $1,120,000 to the Hispanic Federation, of which the Christian Community Benevolent Association is a part (see #7)
9. Ruben Diaz defended former Sen. Hiram Monserrate, who was expelled from the Senate due to a conviction for misdemeanor assault against his girlfriend
10. Ruben Diaz and three other Democrats refused to support the Majority Leader, only to change their minds after he "offered them perks and committee chairmanships."
IMPORTANT: You can donate to the campaign of Diaz' opponent Charlie Ramos here.

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