Main | Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Bristol Palin Is Writing Her Memoirs

Teen mother, abstinence proponent, and reality show star Bristol Palin is writing her memoirs at the age of 20. Hey, if Justin Bieber can do it...
The memoir is set to come from William Morrow & Co., a subsidiary of HarperCollins, which published Sarah Palin's first book, "Going Rogue: An American Life" and her second book "America by Heart: Reflections on Family, Faith and Flag." What exactly will be in the memoir is unclear. The listing on Amazon offered few details and Bristol Palin had no comment on her Facebook page, which like her mother, is often used as a public sounding board. The 20-year-old has competed on "Dancing With the Stars" and also works as a spokesperson for The Candies' Foundation, speaking as an advocate for abstinence.
Let's hear your suggested titles for the book.

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