NEW YORK: Anti-Gay Sen. Carl Kruger To Surrender On Corruption Charges

Mr. Kruger headed the powerful Senate Finance Committee until Democrats lost control of the chamber last year, a position from which he amassed the Senate’s largest campaign war chest. One of Mr. Kruger’s campaign donors, Michael Levitis, who is suspected of serving as an intermediary between the senator and those seeking favors, pleaded guilty this month of lying to federal investigators in the Brooklyn case. Mr. Kruger is set to join an ever-lengthening parade of New York State lawmakers from both parties who have been indicted, convicted, or pleaded guilty to criminal offenses in the last decade, many of them relating to illegally soliciting or receiving money from individuals seeking help with state business.In 2008 Kruger was part of the infamous "Gang Of Three" Democrats that engineered a coup in the state Senate, installing Sen. Pedro Espada as Majority Leader. Espada lost his seat in the 2010 primary and is himself under investigation by federal and state authorities for ripping off over $14M from the public health clinic he founded. The last of the Gang Of Three, former Sen. Hiram "Slasher" Monserrate, was indicted last October on federal charges of mail fraud and corruption. Monserrate was expelled from the Senate in early 2010 over a scandal in which he slashed the face of his girlfriend with a broken glass. He subsequently lost a bid for the state Assembly.
Let's hope ALL of the Gang Of Three end up in prison.
RELATED: In December 2009 gay activists picketed Kruger's Brooklyn home, declaring that he was a known self-loathing closet case who only voted against same-sex marriage to shield his own homosexuality.
Labels: campaign finance, Carl Kruger, clown car, corruption, Democrats, feds, New York state, NY Senate