Main | Monday, May 09, 2011

Tweet of The Day - Porno Pete

Porno Pete isn't too grateful to Jesus' General, who says he's leaving Pete his chaps when he gets raptured on May 21st.
I'm leaving my leather chaps behind. I don't have any room to carry them, and I'm afraid that if I wear them, my ass will get frostbitten as I'm raptured through the upper part of the atmosphere. That's why I've decided to leave my chaps for you. Let's face it, you're not getting raptured with your history of watching all that porn. It doesn't matter if it was only for research, you still give the rest of us rapturees the creeps. We don't need your kind creeping-up our Heaven experience. Yeah, I know it's unfair, but at least you'll get a good pair of chaps you can use on your homosexualist infiltratin' missions. That's worth a smile isn't it? Let me know where to send them so I can get them in the mail before the 21st.
We'd love to watch Porno Pete explain his opinion on chaps to a couple of Hell's Angels.

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