Main | Monday, March 19, 2012

Chuck Colson: GLAAD Is Like The IRA

"In 1983 on my way to Prison Fellowship International's convocation in Belfast, Northern Ireland, I learned at a press conference that I had been placed on the hit list of the Irish Republican Army. The IRA was threatened by the work of Prison Fellowship there, because we were reconciling Catholic and Protestant prisoners in the midst of a very hot war euphemistically called 'the Troubles.' In fact, when Patty and I arrived in Belfast, we were accorded special protection. So I am no stranger to hit lists and threats." - Convicted Watergate felon Chuck Colson, reacting to GLAAD's list of hate group leaders.

RELATED: Colson is the coauthor of the Manhattan Declaration, which calls upon Christians to disobey laws that protect LGBT people from discrimination. And yet he is shocked to be on GLAAD's list.

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