Main | Friday, March 02, 2012

Doctors Can't Be Trusted, They Love Gays

"I know we all want to believe what is told to us by folks in the white lab coats, and much of the time we can. But when it comes to issues dealing with lifespan and sexuality, mainstream medicine is falling under the spell of leftwing politics. Doctors can be politically correct to the detriment of patient care. [snip] This is why there are splinter professional groups being formed, well-respected physicians who cannot support these harmful practices in good conscience. For instance the group NARTH, National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality, was formed some years back to counteract the increasingly politically motivated decisions of groups like the American Psychiatric Association. The APA removed homosexuality from its list of disorders in 1973 based on pressure from disruptive and vicious homosexuals and not because of some new scientific breakthrough." - Linda Harvey, head of the Mission America hate group. (Via Right Wing Watch)

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