Main | Monday, May 20, 2013

CBN Apologizes For Pat Robertson

Last week Pat Robertson earned national headlines when he counseled a woman to ignore her husband's cheating because, "Well, he's a man."  His own network, the Christian Broadcasting Network has issued a statement of regret.  Kind of.
"As a first step in the process, Dr. Robertson stated that she should stop dwelling on the cheating. Next, he recommended that she remind herself of all the reasons she fell in love with him in the first place so that she might try to fall back in love with him all over again. Lastly, his point was that everyone is human and there is much temptation outside of the home, so she should do whatever she can to strengthen their home and relationship. His intent was not to condone infidelity or to cast blame. We regret any misunderstanding."
One man, one woman, for life. Except for that middle one. And that last one.

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